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At Hedgehog House your child will be provided with a wide range of experiences that will inspire their love of learning for years to come.


We believe in being creative and enthusiastic in delivering the Te Whariki curriculum and celebrating significant events in the New Zealand calendar year.



- Once a fortnight we have Antonio Karam do a music session with all our tamariki.  Each visit Antonio shares his love of music and a wide range of instruments that children can learn about and take turns using.  This is a highlight for everyone, the session assists in the development of listening skills, concentration and the ability to be creative and have fun.


Library Visits

- Once a term our local librarian visits Hedgehog House providing storytime sessions full of reading, songs and dance for our tamariki.  This is a valuable opportunity for our children to be exposed to different reading material than we have along with supporting our curriculum incorporating singing and dancing into each session.  Our librarians help create rich imaginative stories, with introducing new language ideas and words to our children with visits consisting of two groups one for our older children and the other group aimed at the learning and interest level of our younger children.


Foundations to School

- During the school term our 4 year old tamariki have two opportunities a week to come and do more structured literacy, science and basic arithmetic.  This programme was developed and is reviewed annually by the teaching team and parents input to enable their children to have some focused skills before starting school.  Children are encouraged to join each session and have the opportunity to take part in these activities which include learning the alphabet, using different mediums to make the letters of their name, counting, basic science experiments like sinking and floating. Throughout the term a subject of choice allows the children to pick and expand their knowledge in other fields like electronics, science & baking. 


School Holiday Programme

- during the school holidays our curriculum is day based, we include ideas such a teddy bears picnic day, dress up disco, tie dying Tshirts and incorporating the ideas of our children and teaching team.


Learning through Food

- We provide baking experiences during the week, encouraging them to measure ingredients, mix and take turns, discussing the process of how food is prepared and made.  

- On Wednesday's we provide a "make your own sandwich lunch", where children are provided with a range of meats and  healthy filling option to chose from.


- Friday's we have a "bring your own lunch box" this enables children to bring their favourite foods from home - encouraging them to chose healthy options that will be filling and good for energy, as well as start fostering this routine for when they start school. 


- Hedgehog House garden - we have planted fruit trees at the centre and grow seasonal vegetables the children take part in caring for our edible garden which encourages learning skills to develop. Our edible garden is invcorporated into our program and the fruits of their labour is enjoyed at morning and afternoon teas.

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